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Back November 2022 - World Antimicrobial Awareness Week

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) is a global campaign that is celebrated annually  to improve awareness and understanding of AMR and encourage best practices among the public, on 18–24 November One Health stakeholders and policymakers, who all play a critical role in reducing the further emergence and spread of AMR.
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a natural phenomenon, but the misuse of antimicrobials in humans and animals, and poor hygiene and infection prevention and control practices in health-care settings or in the food chain are accelerating the process. This means that over time, common infections are becoming harder to treat as the antimicrobials used to treat them become less effective.
That is why this year’s theme of “Preventing antimicrobial resistance together” calls for cross-sectoral collaboration to preserve the efficacy of these important medicines.
To curb AMR effectively, all sectors must use antimicrobials prudently and adopt other preventive measures. The following actions can help reduce the need for antimicrobials and minimize the emergence of AMR:

  • strengthen infection prevention and control in health facilities, farms and food industry premises
  • improve surveillance of antimicrobial-resistant infections
  • ensure access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene, and vaccines
  • only use antimicrobials when prescribed by a certified health professional and only give antibiotics to animals under veterinary supervision
  • implement best practices in food and agricultural production
  • ensure proper waste and sanitation management

World Health Organization (WHO). World Antimicrobial Awareness Week

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