Training role of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità

Training at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Instute of Health in Italy) is mentioned in article 1 of its Statute: the organization of training activities and events according to a continuous and permanent training schedule. Deeply rooted in the excellent standards and aligned with the strategic plans of the Institute, it aims to satisfy the objective needs of the National Health Service (NHS). For the ISS, the training of health personnel and the skills enhancement of human resources are essential in the achievement of the country's institutional and strategic goals.

Training and scientific dissemination is carried out through the organization and delivery of different types of events: conferences, lectures, workshops, seminars, training courses. The ISS also organizes events and coordination meetings for both national and international projects. Training activities cover the most important public health issues of national and international interest.

Most events are promoted and organized by ISS staff only. Sometimes, they can be either organized together with external accredited bodies and institutions, or simply hosted, being entirely organized by external accredited entities. 

The ISS is a national standard Provider for Continuing Medical Education (CME). Therefore, it organizes nationwide events that are approved for Italian CME credits, such as residential training, distance learning (Formazione a Distanza, FAD) on the EDUISS platform, conferences, workshops, seminars, field training, and blended training. 

In addition, the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) enabled the ISS to the SOFIA-MIUR platform, therefore the ISS is accredited for training school staff.

The ISS is also accredited by the National Council of Social Workers (CNOAS) to deliver Continuing Education credits to social workers.

The ISS is certified according to the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard for the planning and supply of continuing education services in health. 

To fulfil its training function, the ISS is supported by the Training Service (SF) affiliated to the President’s Office. Its mission is to plan, promote, and evaluate training and scientific dissemination activities.
