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Back Press Release No. 49/2022 COVID-19: Focus on Patients admitted to Intensive Care Units

ISS, July 8, 2022

ISS analysis on Siaarti data relating to a sample of 167 Intensive Care Units.

On 5 July last, 13.5% of patients admitted to Intensive Care Units were positive for Sars-CoV-2, while 5.1% had serious symptoms attributable to COVID-19. This snapshot is provided by data from the Siaarti network (Italian Society of Anaesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care) which were processed by the ISS. A sample of 167 Intensive Care Units from across the Country participated in the survey, for a total of 1381 monitored patients. Of these, 187 (13.5%) were positive for the Sars-CoV-2 virus, of which 70 (5.1%) had pulmonary symptoms or in any case symptoms referable to a serious systemic infection from COVID-19. "These data confirm that even in the face of a very high number of new cases, the pressure on intensive care remains limited - explained the president of the ISS, Silvio Brusaferro. Among the various contributing factors, an important one is undoubtedly the high number of immunized individuals who complied with the vaccination campaign, thus confirming that the vaccine provides protection against the more serious forms of the disease. However, we must not lower our guard because given the high circulation of the virus, the health risk remains significant especially for the more fragile individuals". In the coming weeks, the situation in intensive care will be closely monitored in collaboration with Siarti. The results of this in-depth analysis will be included in the explanatory slides included in the weekly monitoring data disclosed every Friday at the following link: https://www.iss.it/sorveglianze-covid-19

ISS per COVID-19