Back Volume 35, no. 7-8, July-August 2022. G20 Health: an international Laboratorium for the formation of healthcare professionals. SMOVATT: a Project to promote physical activity in the primary care setting. The GBD of dementia: ISS involvement in improving the estimation and alignment to the Italian context. RarISS Insert. Andrea Vesalio and the birth of human anatomy.



G20 Health: an international Laboratorium for the formation of healthcare professionals in terms of prevention, training and response to health crises
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need of a globally coordinated response to invest in prevention, training, and response to address upcoming health emergencies. Within the framework of the Italian Presidency of the G20, in line with the commitments made by the Leaders of the G20 countries (Group of 20) at the Riyadh summit in 2020, the ISS has promoted an international innovative project called Laboratorium. Its aim is to increase the training of the Public Health Workforce (PHW) to better face current and potential future health challenges within a One Health perspective. The “Laboratorium” project was acknowledged and endorsed by the Declaration of the G20 Health Ministers, convened in Rome, Italy, on 5th and 6th September 2021 and by the Final Declaration of the Leaders on 31st October 2021.

SMOVATT: a Project to promote physical activity in the primary care setting
The project “Sostegno alle attività di counselling da parte dei medici di medicina generale (MMG) e pediatri di libera scelta (PLS) per sensibilizzare e motivare sui vantaggi dell’attività fisica regolare in raccordo con l’offerta del territorio - SMOVatt” (“Support to counselling by general practitioners and paediatricians to motivate people engaging in regular PA, in line with services offered on territory”), coordinated by the National Centre for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CNaPPS) of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) and funded by the Italian Ministry of Health - Ccm Azioni Centrali, started in November 2019 and will end in November 2022. In continuity with previous activities carried out by CNaPPS, SMOVatt aims at implementing a series of cognitive, educational and communicational interventions, in order to support general practitioners and family pediatricians in promoting the benefits of regular physical activity on people's health and to enhance their communication-relational skills, emphasizing the importance of intersectoral networking.

The Global Burden of Disease of dementia: ISS involvement in improving the estimation and alignment to the Italian context
Dementia is one of the conditions with the highest social cost, and affects at least 50 million individuals in the world. The availability of reliable data on its frequency and modifiable risk factors is essential to plan appropriate services and interventions. This urgent need has been recognized by the Global Burden of Diseases (GBD) research programme, which involves more than 7,000 researchers from various international institutions, including the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS). Our involvement in improving the GBD estimates related to dementia started in 2018, and is currently part of the activities coordinated by the ISS-GBD working group.


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