Speciale COVID-19

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Back Press Release No 02/2022 COVID-19: the main monitoring data from the Situation Room

Rome, 14 January 2022

Here are the main data that emerged from the Situation Room:

  • The weekly incidence at national level has steadied: 1988 per 100,000 inhabitants (07/01/2022 -13/01/2021) versus 1699 per 100,000 inhabitants (31/12/2021 -06/01/2021), data from the Ministry of Health.

  • In the 22 December 2021 – 4 January 2022 period, the average Rt calculated on symptomatic cases was equal to 1.56 (range 1.24 - 1.8), an increase compared to the previous week and well above the epidemic threshold. Instead, there was a slight decrease in the transmissibility index based on hospitalized cases (Rt = 1.2 (1.18 - 1.22) as at 04/01/2022 versus Rt ​​= 1.3 (1.27 - 1.32) as at 28/12/2021.

  • The bed occupancy rate in intensive care units was 17.5% (Ministry of Health daily survey data as at 20 January) versus 15.4% the previous week (Ministry of Health daily survey data as at 13  January). The bed occupancy rate in medical units at national level rose to 27.1% (daily survey data by the Ministry of Health as at 13 January) versus 21.6% (daily survey data by the Ministry of Health as at 06 January) the previous week.
  • Thirteen Regions / Autonomous Provinces have been classified at high risk, of which 3 due to the impossibility of assessing them; eight Regions / Autonomous Provinces have been classified at moderate risk according to the Ministerial Decree of 30 April 2020. Among these, five Regions / Autonomous Provinces have a high probability of progressing to high risk according to the Ministerial Decree of 30 April 2020.
  • Almost all the Regions / Autonomous Provinces reported at least one resilience alert. Ten Regions / Autonomous Provinces reported multiple resilience alerts.
  • The number of new cases not associated with transmission chains has doubled (649.489 vs 309.903 in the previous week). The percentage of cases detected through contact tracing decreased considerably (13% versus 16% the previous week). The percentage of cases detected through the onset of symptoms has also decreased (48% versus 50%), while the percentage of cases diagnosed through screening activities has increased (39% versus 34%).


ISS per COVID-19