Progetto JAHEE




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Back JAHEE General Assembly - Where we are, what we have achieved, what’s next? - 4th October 2019 - Istituto Superiore di Sanità - Rome

Welcome to the General Assembly of JAHEE. This event will be a unique occasion to share information among different work packages and to learn from comparative discussions on the different Policy Frameworks for Action (PFA) and Country Assessments (CA) that have been produced in different domains for reducing health inequities in Europe. Furthermore, it will be a crucial opportunity to identify the main challenges for the future activities of JAHEE at country and European levels, as well as seek help and collaboration among partners.

The General Assembly will be preceded by individual work-package meetings (partners of WP5, WP6, WP8 and WP9 will meet in the same place the day before the plenary, whereas participants of WP7 in Oslo in September). On the evening of 3rd October 2019, a pleasant social event will close these activities and will give us a first opportunity to open the meeting and enjoy each other’s company.

The agenda of the General Assembly is structured in the following six sessions, each of them with its related objectives.

Session 1 is aimed at updating partners on the progresses made by WP 5-9: each participant will be informed on the WPs that their country has not joined.
Session 2 is aimed at informing partners on the policy progress achieved during the last years in the European countries (the “AS IS”), such as that is coming out from the WP4 CA and from the WHO’s Health Equity Status Report.
Session 3 is aimed at evaluating the coherence between the proposed actions and recommendations based on the country assessments and the expected outcomes outlined in the PFAs from WP5-9 and WP4.
Session 4 will concern stakeholder and decision-makers engagement. Indeed, participants will be informed about the preliminary results of the stakeholder and windows of opportunity mapping at European and country level.
Session 5 is about coordination managerial issues: this session will be the right time and place for fine tuning the aspects in organization and coordination that can be improved thanks to suggestions of participants.
Session 6 will focus on how to move the work forward: participants will be asked to listen and react to the comments of external stakeholders and experts participating in the General Assembly that will comment on the main conclusions and following steps.

We hope that this second General Assembly will contribute to better understand how the final JAHEE results may look like and how the implementation actions will be able to approach the gaps between the TO BE and the AS IS. This could provide a preliminary set of messages and recommendations that JAHEE, through WP4, will suggest to be integrated into the policy and politics agenda at both the national and European level.


Progetto JAHEE
