Clinical governance, SNLG and HTA


Clinical governance, SNLG and HTA

National Guidelines System (SNLG)

The Italian Law no. 24/2017 on professional responsibility has entrusted a fundamental role to the guidelines, giving the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy), through the National Centre for Clinical excellence, healthcare quality and safety, the role of methodological guarantor and national governance of the guidelines production process of good quality.

The National Guidelines System (Sistema Nazionale Linee Guida, SNLG) is based on the best available evidence of the Italy's health needs according to criteria of relevance and clinical, economic and social impact.

In the new regulatory context, the SNLG therefore constitutes the institutional access point to the guidelines for clinical practice or for public health choices developed for the National Health Service (NHS) and for decision-makers, professionals and patients.

Back LG SNLG elaborate dai soggetti di cui all’art. 5 comma 1 della legge n° 24/2017: enti e istituzioni pubbliche e private e società scientifiche e associazioni tecnico-scientifiche delle professioni sanitarie iscritte in apposito elenco istituito e regolamentato con DM 2 agosto 2017

La prevenzione degli incidenti domestici in età infantile

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