Back Drug Addiction Helpline

The Drug Addiction Helpline (TVD) - 800 186070 is a national telephone counseling service for facing and fighting drug addiction. The anonymous and free service is active from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 16.00 at the National Center for Addiction and Doping at the National Institute of health. The TVD is a point of welcome, listening and guidance aimed at all the  citizens, but in particular at people with problems related to the consumption of psychotropic substances and at their families.

The Drug Addiction Helpline (TVD) raises awareness of the health effects associated with the consumption of psychotropic substances, offers clear and scientifically validated information, directs towards territorial services that propose health interventions for the diagnosis and treatment of addiction, proposes social resources useful for developing relationships of collaboration on the territory.

In particular, those who present problems related to the consumption of psychoactive substances find in the service the support of expert psychologists who, in the context of a personalized counseling intervention, favor the identification of the needs brought by the user, the recognition and activation of personal and social resources to face the problematic situation, the activation of a path of change.

Thanks to this methodolog,y the user is supported in the adoption of effective strategies to make adequate choices within a range of possibilities present on the national territory, such as care services (pertaining to the NHS and / or private social structures), Auto and Mutual Aid Associations

The Service also produces and disseminates scientific and informative material and carries out and disseminates awareness and health promotion activities.