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Back Climate: Italy among the vulnerable countries

EN - Iss 3 novembre 2021 - 

Scientific evidence shows that climate change, mainly caused by fossil fuel combustion, is accelerating. Negative trends are recorded at the global level, and Italy is no exception. Projections show that without a drastic reduction in emissions, the average global temperature will increase by more than 2 °C compared to pre-industrial levels. Italy faces a number of critical vulnerabilities. To prevent this catastrophe, urgent action is necessary. Considering the health implications can help identify and implement policies for climate change mitigation and adaptation, at the global and local level. Some policies can bring multiple health benefits while reducing emissions. In particular, actions on urban design and transport, expanding green areas, improving air quality, changes in food production and consumption can mitigate climate change and result in substantial health co-benefits. Some guidelines in this regard are found in ISTISAN’s report Mitigation of climate change and health prevention in Italy: the co-benefits policy, edited by a team of international researchers including Ivano Iavarone and Marco Martuzzi from the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS).

“We await COP26, as the decisions made will have the chance to change the course of events”, says the President of the ISS, Silvio Brusaferro. “We have the unique opportunity of immediately directing our future thanks to the incredible resources available in the next few years for the environment, climate change and health. Public health workers must be proactive in supporting the efforts to preserve a liveable, welcoming and just world for ourselves and for future generations.”