Rapporti ISS COVID-19 in English

Back Rapporto ISS COVID-19 n. 16/2020 English version - Companion animals and SARS-CoV-2: what do we need to know, how should we behave? Version of April 19, 2020

Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Companion animals and SARS-CoV-2: what do we need to know, how should we behave? Version of April 19, 2020.
ISS COVID-19 Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety Working Group
2020, iii, 26 p. Rapporto ISS COVID-19 n. 16/2020 – English version

Although COVID-19 is spread by human-to-human transmission, reports of cases in which infected owners have transmitted the virus to their animals, together with evidence from experimental infection studies, have recently raised the issue of SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility of pet animals. Although it is considered a rare occurrence, the possibility that animals could acquire the infection calls for the adoption of precautionary measures aimed at minimising this risk, in order to protect both companion animals and their carers. For the purpose of preparedness and prevention, this report aims to provide information and interim One-Health guidance, for medical and veterinary professionals and all those involved in the management of pet health during the current COVID-19 epidemic.


Publications Rapporti ISS COVID-19 in English