

Italian National Reference Laboratory for the treatment of foods and their ingredients with ionizing radiation


This section lists the events related to the food irradiation, such as workshops, courses and conferences, organized during the last years by the ISS and/or other institutes involved in the official control.
From 2021, annual workshops of the National Reference Laboratory for the treatment of foods and their ingredients with ionizing radiation have been organised.

All events address the national audience and therefore presentations are in Italian.


2023 - Third annual Workshop of the National Reference Laboratory for the treatment of foods and their ingredients with ...
10/11/2023 Third annual Workshop of the National Reference Laboratory for the treatment of foods and their ingredients with ionizing radiation. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome and online on Teams, 22 November 2023.

2022 - Second annual Workshop of the National Reference Laboratory for the treatment of foods and their ingredients with...
15/07/2022 Second annual Workshop of the National Reference Laboratory for the treatment of foods and their ingredients with ionizing radiation. Online Event, 26 May 2022.

2021 - First annual Workshop of the National Reference Laboratory for the treatment of foods and their ingredients with ...
18/06/2021 First annual Workshop of the National Reference Laboratory for the treatment of foods and their ingredients with ionizing radiation. Online Event, 20 May 2021.  

2019 - Workshop "Irradiated foods: development of official control activities"
18/06/2021 Workshop "Irradiated foods: development of official control activities". Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, 9 May 2019. Attachment: Programme  

2018 - Training day on the National Irradiated Food Information System (S.I.N.A.I). Interventions to support the officia...
18/06/2021 Training day on the National Irradiated Food Information System (S.I.N.A.I). Interventions to support the official control of the Ministry of Health. Ministry of Health, Rome, 28 November 2018.    

2017 - Workshop "The official control of irradiated foods: from sampling to data management with the new National Inform...
18/06/2021 Workshop "The official control of irradiated foods: from sampling to data management with the new National Information System - S.I.N.A.I". Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Puglia e della Basilicata, Foggia, 21 March 2017.  

2016 - Conference Official control of irradiated foods: applicability and implementation of analytical methods
18/06/2021 Conference "Official control of irradiated foods: applicability and implementation of analytical methods". Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Rome, 13 October 2016.  

2011 - Course "Irradiated foods: identification methods for official control".
18/06/2021 Course "Irradiated foods: identification methods for official control". Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana, Rome, 20 September 2011.  Attachment: Programme  

2010 - Course "Irradiated foods: legislation, analytical methods, health aspects".
18/06/2021 Course "Irradiated foods: legislation, analytical methods, health aspects". Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna, Brescia, 5 November 2010.  

2010 - Course “Alimenti trattati con radiazioni ionizzanti: aspetti normativi, metodi di identificazione e controllo”
18/06/2021 Corso “Alimenti trattati con radiazioni ionizzanti: aspetti normativi, metodi di identificazione e controllo” - 2a Edizione - tenutosi presso l’IZS dell’Umbria e delle Marche. Ancona, 18 novembre 2010.    

2009 - Workshop "Food Irradiation: scientific, regulatory and health aspects".
18/06/2021 Workshop "Food Irradiation: scientific, regulatory and health aspects". Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Puglia e della Basilicata, Foggia, 23 May 2009.    

2008 - Theoretical-practical course on identification methods of irradiated foods.
18/06/2021 Theoretical-practical course on identification methods of irradiated foods. Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Rome, 6-7 November 2008.  

2004 - Course "Physical, chemical and biological methods for the identification of irradiated foods".
18/06/2021 Course "Physical, chemical and biological methods for the identification of irradiated foods". Università degli Studi di Palermo. Palermo, 11 June 2004.  

2002 - Course "Identification methods of irradiated foods".
18/06/2021 Course "Identification methods of irradiated foods". Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Rome
