WHO CC for Environmental Health in Contaminated Sites
Since 2013, the Unit of Environmental and Social Epidemiology of the Department of Environment and Health (ISS) has been designated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as the WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health in Contaminated Sites ITA-97.
The WHO CC ITA-97 works in close collaboration with the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health (ECEH, Bonn, Germany) to provide technical support to WHO in the following areas:
- identifying methods and strategies for risk and health impact assessment of contaminated sites and wastes
- consolidating European collaborative networks
- addressing inequalities and environmental justice
The Unit of Environmental and Social Epidemiology has been coordinating the SENTIERI study (Epidemiological Study of Residents in National Priority Contaminated Sites) since 2007. SENTIERI, supported by the Ministry of Health, is an epidemiological surveillance system of populations living in the Italian contaminated sites of interest for remediation. The latest SENTIERI Report (the sixth) and previous Reports are available (in Italian) at: https://epiprev.it/pubblicazioni/sentieri-studio-epidemiologico-nazionale-dei-territori-e-degli-insediamenti-esposti-a-rischio-da-inquinamento-sesto-rapporto
For more information see WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health in Contaminated Sites, ITA-97