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Back Sports and youth's mental health

Nowadays, millions of people in EU suffer at least from one mental disorder, adolescents being quite a vulnerable portion of the population. The impact of mental disorders has been magnified by the Covid-19 pandemic that has also led to a meaningful increase in sedentary lifestyle. This issue is quite relevant when taking into account that a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that regular sporting and physical activity may help preventing the onset of mental disorders or relieving its burden. The project “Hooray” has been developed in this very context with the main aim of better understanding the link between physical activity and mental health and to promote healthy lifestyles, specifically among adolescents.

The project, that has just started, is coordinated by the EUROPEAN NON-GOVERNMENTAL SPORTS ORGANISATION YOUTH – ENGSO that comprises 8 EU partners including the Italian Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità).

Author Pier David Malloni

With Francesca Cirulli

Coordination Asia Cione

Technical support Gianfelice Martini - Antonio Granatiero



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