
Fondo Rari

Services offered


The rare and valuable material (volumes of the 16th-19th centuries) can be given for consultation, subject to the authorization of the Director of the Library.
The volumes can be consulted in the room where they are kept (Sala Rari) and cannot be photocopied.

Serices offeres to the ISS staff:

  • themed exhibitions, on the occasion of events organized at the ISS (conferences, courses, seminars, business meetings, guest visits, etc.). The exhibition may also be preceded by a presentation of the Rare Fund which illustrates the history of the collection from its origins to today
  • guided tours, accompanied by an exhibition of selected material and a presentation of the collection
  • digital images of the Rare Fund, to the staff of the Institute who for work reasons (conference communications, publication of articles, production of leaflets, etc.) need to use an image taken from this collection. The image will be provided  at a resolution of 300 dpi and can be reproduced under the following conditions:
    • that conforms to the original
    • which is complete with caption
    • that the provenance is cited in the following form: Rare Fund of the Library of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità

The possibility is also offered annually to download the Calendar which reproduces some images chosen from the Collection.


Vocabolario Biblioteca

Servizi offerti