ISS Museum

ISS Museum

History of the ISS Museum

Preserving memory to look at the future

The ISS was founded in 1934 and, from the first years of its activity, owned a Museum that was then abandoned to recover the spaces for research laboratories.

The sensitivity towards the conservation and enhancement of the historical-scientific heritage was reactivated in the 1990s with a first collection and cataloguing of the historical instruments belonging to the Physics Laboratory and with the launch of a project for the creation of a historical photographic archive.

The desire to enhance the historical heritage was further developed d in the 2000s with the creation of a series of publications of historical-scientific interest and the planning of congress activities dedicated to the "Stories and memories of the ISS".

This commitment has allowed the realization of the new ISS Museum inaugurated on April 21, 2017 by the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella (watch the video). In 2022 the Museum received the international Herity (Heritage and Quality) certification as a place of history and culture, rich in precious testimonies, which allow you to know and enhance the roots of the institution and its continuous commitment to win the challenges of public health.

A multisensory journey with special effects, sounds, images and objects reveals fragments of history and the passion of those who worked in these walls: from Nobel laureates, to glassblowers, to all those who at various levels have dedicated their lives to science.


Located on the H floor of the main building of the ISS, in the "Winter Garden", the Museum immediately fascinates visitors, with its wonderful emerald green floor, in Vietri ceramics, reproducing symbols of classical culture, built in the 50s of the twentieth century and perfectly maintained, which contrasts with the black of the walls creating a very special atmosphere.