


Gender differences in oncology

Besides tumors of the reproductive organs, related only to one of the two sexes, a growing body of data indicates significant differences in the onset and progression of oncological diseases common to men and women, as well as in responses and associated adverse events to therapies.

Numerical data indicate that men display higher incidence and lower survival than women have. Furthermore, the female immune system is more efficient than the male one. 

Analyzing molecular data and understanding the mechanisms underlying the onset of each cancer, including gender specificities, represent a fundamental step toward a real personalized medicine.


Back Differenze di genere nella malattia oncologica

Alcuni tumori possono presentarsi in maniera diversa nell’uomo e nella donna. Questa differenza è dovuta a fattori quali, incidenza, mortalità, patogenesi, progressione, efficacia della terapia ed effetti avversi della terapia.

Nella brochure allegata è possibile visionare alcuni esempi di patologie oncologiche in cui la differenza di genere sono particolarmente marcate. 


Center of reference for gender medicine


Citizen Healthcare professional Information specialist


Gender and health Oncology Sex and gender differences in physiology and pathology Tumors Differences between genders in oncology Cancer and immunity