Interferenti Endocrini

Diet and Endocrine Disruptors The EDID database LP

Diet is a major source of exposure to contaminants such as Endocrine Disrupters; it is also a major modifier of the organism’s susceptibility to xenobiotics, through the intake (either adequate, unbalanced or deficient) of nutrients and “natural” bioactive substances.

Limited knowledge is still available on the interactions among xenobiotici and substances naturally present in food commodities, even though more information would be high relevant to the more general issues of food safety and prevention.

Endocrine disrupting chemicals - Diet Interaction Database (EDID) aims to be a contribution for stimulating further research in this field: a database on the studies present in the international literature, either on experimental systems and on animal population and humans, easy to consult and periodically updated. EDID has been elaborated within the special Project of ISS “Endocrine Disrupters”.

Vocabolario Interferenti Endocrini

Dieta e Interferenti endocrini la banca dati EDID