Global health and health inequalities


Global health and health inequalities

One Health

The holistic "One Health" vision, a healthcare model based on the integration of different disciplines, is both ancient and current. It is based on the recognition that human health, animal health and ecosystem health are inextricably linked.

It is officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of Health, by the European Commission and by all international organizations as a relevant strategy in all sectors that benefit from collaboration between different disciplines (doctors, veterinarians, environmentalists, economists, sociologists etc.).

"One Health" is an ideal approach to achieve global health because it addresses the needs of the most vulnerable populations based on the intimate relationship between their health, the health of their animals and the environment in which they live, considering the wide spectrum of determinants that emerge from this relationship.

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the Italian National Institute of Health), thanks to the plurality of skills present within it, is implementing multidisciplinary collaborations and joint actions, transversal to its reference research sectors, to promote the "One Health" approach necessary to cope with to present and future challenges.

On the European day 2021 All for One Health, ISS communicated its commitment, made in ISS Strategic Plan 2021-2023, to promote the growth of the multidisciplinary capacity needed for complex health challenges at national and international level, addressing the relevant gaps in research, networking, integration and training, through the enhancement of all sectors involved, including the environment and socio-economic sectors and the participation of citizens and communities among stakeholders in order to ensure the full impact of One Health.

Read the ISS Statement

The One Health Conceptual Framework for strengthening Prevention and Preparedness

The ISS One Health (OH) group has developed the Policy Brief on One Health-Based Conceptual Frameworks for Comprehensive and Coordinated Prevention and Preparedness Plans Addressing Global Health Threats which proposes the use of a One Health Conceptual Framework (OHCF) to facilitate the integration of One Health approaches into national Prevention and Preparedness plans.

The OHCF is now being piloted in two non-European countries: Armenia and Jordan. A third country is planned for 2023. The results obtained will allow for the consolidation of the Framework that was conceived to be adaptable to any national context.

The third phase of MediLabSecure has started

The third phase of the European MediLabSecure Project (MLS3) was launched in August 2022. The Group of the ISS Global Health Center will be coordinator of operational studies and interventions aimed at strengthening the integration of One Health approaches in Prevention and Preparedness. The MLS Project has been active since 2014 and this third phase will end in 2023: 10 years of studies and activities with a One Health approach!


Back Sorveglianza integrata e valutazione del rischio delle arbovirosi: raccomandazioni per rafforzare le strategie di One Health nel Mediterraneo. Documento strategico MediLabSecure 2018

In quattro anni di MediLabSecure (2014-2017), gli studi e le attività implementate con i paesi della Rete (Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Bosnia Erzegovina, Burkina Faso, Egitto, Georgia, Giordania, Kosovo, Libano, Libia, Mali, Mauritania, Montenegro, Marocco, Niger, Palestine, Rep. Della Macedonia del Nord, Senegal, Serbia, Tunisia, Turchia), hanno fornito risultati rilevanti e lezioni apprese che riportiamo e discutiamo in questo documento strategico. L’obiettivo principale è di contribuire alle strategie per la prevenzione e il controllo delle infezioni da arbovirus con un approccio di One Health, concentrandosi sulla sorveglianza integrata e sulla valutazione multisettoriale del rischio. Proponiamo un quadro concettuale per facilitare la descrizione, il confronto e la valutazione dei sistemi di sorveglianza integrata e forniamo raccomandazioni per migliorare l’operatività delle strategie One Health nei sistemi sanitari nazionali e nei contesti regionali.

Integrated surveillance and risk assessment for arbovirus infections: recommendations for enhancing One Health in the Mediterranean Region