Copertine Rapporti ISTISAN

Rapporti ISTISAN

Reports containing technical information, data, research protocols, proceedings, training material and the results of other activities carried out by the ISS. Most reports are published in Italian, some are in English.

All reports have an English abstract.

Edited by the Scientifc Communication Unit
Responsible Director: Paola De Castro
Editorial staff: Sandra Salinetti

Back 17/31 - Manuale di valutazione della comunicazione in ambito di assistenza alle persone con sclerosi laterale amiotrofica. Gruppo CARE SLA (Comunicazione, Accoglienza, Rispetto, Empatia - Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica) 2017, iv, 84 p.

Handbook for evaluation of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis communication.
Working group CARE SLA
2017, iv, 84 p. (in Italian)

The handbook is a tool aimed at helping professionals and practitioners who deal with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) at different levels, in order to increase their sensitivity to communication, psychological, ethical and practical issues involved in their professional relationship with people affected by ALS, their family members and caregivers. It is also an instrument of self-evaluation, both for individuals and members of a team, in regard to the communicative and relational style of these contexts and to the different stages of the disease, in order to improve awareness and management capacity. The volume is based on the same structure as the one already used for other topics (in the field of oncology, HIV/AIDS and rehabilitation).
Key words: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; Self-assessment; Communication


Publications Rapporti ISTISAN