Prevention and health promotion


Prevention and health promotion


Lifestyle choices are the main opportunity for protection or, modifying risk with respect to one's own well-being and the onset of chronic pathologies and are most important for diseases that impact mortality and health expenditure. 

Disease prevention and health promotion therefore are achieved not only through intersectoral policies and strategies but also through actions aimed directly at the population (in different age groups) in order to promote healthy habits, most importantly: healthy nutrition, physical activity, reducing smoking and alcohol consumption. 

Back Diabetes

Diabetes represents a socio-health emergency due to the high number of cases in the population and serious complications affecting the retina, kidneys, and nervous, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems.

The activities of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy) in this area are based on clinical research and studies aimed at identifying functional, motor, visual and biochemical biomarkers for effective and sustainable screening and follow-up, as well as epidemiological studies through the use of administrative data aimed at monitoring the frequency of diabetes, its risk factors (lifestyles and socio-economic level) and the main complications in diabetic subjects and cohorts of the general population.


Cardiovascular, endocrine-metabolic and ageing-associated diseases


Citizen Healthcare professional


Diabetes Lifestyles