Environment and Health

Director: Dott. Marco Martuzzi
telephone: (+39) 06 4990 3340-2840


Department activities

The Environment and Health Department conducts research and experimentation for the identification, characterization and analysis of the effects of environmental and social risk factors using a multidisciplinary approach that includes environmental monitoring studies, biomonitoring of human populations, effects on ecosystems, analysis of mechanisms and epidemiological investigations.

The objectives are the identification of adequate primary prevention strategies to avoid and reduce the risk of diseases due to environmental factors; the transfer of scientific evidence into public health programs and policies; and evaluate and characterize the health risks deriving from environmental exposures. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates show that 1 in 4 deaths in the world are attributable to environmental factors that contribute to a wide spectrum of diseases and infirmities. The Department of Environment and Health aims to reduce environmental risk factors, possibly preventing almost a quarter of the global burden of diseases.

The activity of the Environment and Health Department is focused on multidisciplinary research which includes the identification and characterization of environmental and social risk factors, the study of their effects on health, and risk assessment.


Department organization

The Department is organized in the following units:

Exposure to air, soil contaminants and lifestyle

Director: Dr. Maria Rosaria Milana

Water quality and health

Director: Dr. Luca Lucentini

Ecosystems and health

Director: Dr. Laura Mancini

Human exposure to environmental contaminants

Director: Dr. Elena De Felip

Mechanisms, biomarkers and models

to be appointed

Environmental and social epidemiology

Director: Dr. Ivano Iavarone



the Department also includes the following international and national reference centres/ laboratories:

The main thematic areas of research of the Department are in line with the WHO priority objectives in the environment and health sector (Ostrava, 2017).

Institutional research

Pre and post-regulatory activities upon request of central and territorial, national and international institutions in the field of risk assessment for the ecosystem and human health associated with exposure to environmental contaminants.

Technical-scientific support in response to high-impact environmental and health emergencies for public health. The Department operates according to a Quality Management System in accordance with UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17025 accredited by ACCREDIA relating to chemical, ecological and ecotoxicological tests in four areas of the Department, both in the field of fixed and flexible accreditation.

Sistema Gestione Qualità e Accreditamento

Scientific research

  • improve exposure assessment to reduce health risks Read more
  • make water safe to protect human health Read more
  • minimize the negative effects of chemicals on human health and the environment Read more
  • prevent and eliminate negative environmental and health effects related to waste management and contaminated sites Read more
  • invest in the study of ecosystem health to address health risks related to environmental factors including climate change by supporting measures for their mitigation Read more
  • supporting Europe's cities and regions' efforts to become healthier and more sustainable Read more

Third mission

The Department also carries out dissemination and training activities by providing a contribution to the communication and dissemination of knowledge related to the environment and health issues. Read more