


Environmental and lifestyle factors affecting fertility

Some environmental factors can affect fertility especially in the initial phase of life (from intrauterine development to adolescence), causing infertility, as well as andrological and gynecological diseases of various kinds in adulthood.

Exposure to chemicals called endocrine disruptors (pesticides, some heavy metals, additives and preservatives of industrial and consumer products, chemicals of natural origin such as polyphenols) can affect the reproductive system.

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy) has a key role in research in this area, contributing to the increase in knowledge, the creation of a multidisciplinary network and the promotion of information campaigns.

Back Studio nazionale Fertilità: cosa emerge dalle indagini su giovani e adulti

Il Progetto CCM "Studio Nazionale Fertilità", si è concluso alla fine dell’anno 2018 e ha avuto l’obiettivo generale di raccogliere informazioni sulla salute sessuale e riproduttiva per orientare e sostenere la programmazione di interventi a sostegno della fertilità in Italia.

Principali risultati del Progetto "Studio Nazionale Fertilità"