Gender and Health


Gender and Health

Back Final Report CISP Kakamega-Kenya

In the framework of the 3-year project (October 2019 - December 2022) “Safe Communities for safe Children and Adolescents in Kenya” in Kakamega and Nakuru Counties, the research study on barriers and facilitating factors for pregnant adolescent and teenage mother accessing and utilizing health care services has been carried out with the technical lead of the Italian National Institute of Health, in collaboration with the Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) that supported the field investigation together with a team of research assistants.

The study highlighted best practices and challenges that pregnant adolescents and teenage mothers face while accessing adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) services in Kenya, to create an enabling environment for evidence-based planning and action towards improved ASRH services provision.


Global health and health inequalities Health systems, international cooperation and health