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Pricci F, Rotondi D, Villa M, Valerio A, Agazio E, Roazzi P. Somatropin therapy in italian adults with growth deficiency. BioMed Central Endocrine Disorder 2022;22:25. Full text

Pricci F, Villa M, Maccari F, Agazio E, Rotondi D, Panei P, Roazzi P. The Italian Registry of GH treatment: electronic Clinical Report Form (e-CRF) and web-based platform for the national database of GH prescriptions. Journal of endocrinological investigation 2019;42(7):769-777. Full text

Tornese G, Pricci F, Pellegrin MC, Villa M, Rotondi D, Agazio E, Barbi E. Practical tools to identify short children born small-for-gestational-age eligible for rhGH treatment according to Italian regulation. Italian journal of paediatrics 2019;45(1):130. Full text