
The project

EUROpean CAncer REgistry based study on survival and care of cancer patients 

EUROCARE is the widest collaborative research project on population-based cancer survival in Europe. The project started in 1989 under the initiative of two Italian research institutes: the Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (INT Milan) and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Rome).    

Aims of EUROCARE are to monitor cancer survival time trends and differences across European countries, to measure cancer prevalence, and to study patterns of care of cancer patients.  

Thanks to the participation of a growing number of European population-based cancer registries the study regularly provides comprehensive and comparable cancer survival estimates in Europe. EUROCARE results are diffused through publications on scientific journals and public-use databases accessible on this web-site.    

The sixth edition, EUROCARE-6, includes data on about 28 million cancer diagnoses provided by 117 Cancer Registries in 31 European countries within the framework of a partnership with the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR).