

Published on Lancet Oncology the latest article on complete cancer prevalence in Europe in 2020 by the EUROCARE-6 Working Group

How many people faced a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime in Europe?

In 2020, five per cent of the resident population in the 29 European countries participating to the EUROCARE-6 study, was estimated to have ever faced a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. This proportion corresponds to approximately 23.7 million people, 12.8 million women and 10.9 million men. Breast and prostate cancers were estimated to account for approximately 40% of all cancer survivors: 43% in females and 37% in males.

Cancer survivors represent an increasing proportion of the population and in 2020, 14.8 million people were estimated to be alive more than 5 years after diagnosis and 9.1 million people for more than 10 years.

Read the articole on Lancet Oncology

Here, the link to the paper, which is made available as peer-reviewed, accepted article in pdf

Read the press release 

See results on the ECIS (European Cancer Information System) website