National Reference Laboratory for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

National Reference Laboratory for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Research projects

1/12/2017-31/12/2021, National project Title: "Development and validation of quantitative methods in digital PCR for GMO analysis on food and feed" deadline extended to 30/4/2021. Partner/Financing body: IZS Lazio Toscana. Unit contact person: Marzia De Giacomo

2018-2019, National project, Title: Collaboration Agreement for the implementation of a research project entitled "Research and development of an innovative flour for 2nd and 3rd grade children". Financing body: Molino MORAS (Bando Regione Friuli). Contact person: Carlo Brera - Topic: Food safety

2012-2015 Title: Grant agreement n. 312031 "MARLON - Monitoring of animals for feed-related risks in the long term" Partner/Financing institution: European Commission. Contact person: Barbara De Santis - ISS file: U2D

2011-2014, National project, Title: "Development of guidelines, management systems and new methodologie for GMOs traceability, own-check procedures and official control in the food and feed supply chain with respect to UE legal requirements" Partner/funder: IZS Lazio e Toscana RF2009. Contact person: Barbara De Santis

2012-2013, National project Title: "Experimental study on the quantitative analysis of genetically modified (GM) maize in maize crops - Sampling methodology for field crops'. Partner/financing body Regione Lazio. Contact person: Carlo Brera

2009- 2010 SECUFOOD Project: Security of European Food supply chain. (European Programme on Critical Infrastructure Protection, addressing the program theme "Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks", Secufood Project Manager: Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, ISS Unit Manager, Marina Miraglia

08/2007-09/2008, National project, Title: "Qualitative/quantitative assessment of transgenic DNA in milk from farms with different types of housing". Partner/funding body: Seed companies S.P.A. - Commercial activity. Contact person: Carlo Brera.
06/2006-04/2009, National project, Title: "Advanced diagnostic and technological methodologies for the quality and safety of food products in southern Italy” - ME.DI.TA". Partner/Financing institution: MIUR Contact person Carlo Brera.
2005-2009 CO-EXTRA Project: GM and non-GM supply chains: their CO-EXISTENCE and TRAceability (European project of the 6th framework programme). Responsible: Marina Miraglia

2003-2005 Application of genomics and proteomics to determine the quality, solubility and safety of food production. Funding body: MIUR. Contact person: Marina Miraglia.
2002-2004 KeLDA project (Kernel Lot Distribution Assessment) concerning the distribution of GM material in kernel lots imported within EU Member States, the evaluation of sampling strategies for the detection of GM materials in lots of bulk raw materials, and providing recommendations for implementing sampling strategies (European project of the 5th framework programme). Responsible Marina Miraglia

2002-2005, National project, Title: “Validation of analytical methods by comparison with currently accredited methods at European level. Rapid and innovative methods for the analysis and control of GMOs and foods containing products from GMOs”. Funding body: Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policies and ISPESL. Contact person: Roberta Onori

National project, Finalised Research Project 2001 "Quantitative analysis of GMOs: national standardisation of analytical methods in Real Time PCR" IZS of Piedmont, Liguria and Val d'Aosta. Responsible Mariella Goria

National project, Finalized research project 2000 "Evaluation of the safety of GMOs for use in human nutrition" Project coordinator Dr. Marina Miraglia - research line: Post marketing study on the consumption of GMOs in the national territory and elaboration of an observatory model. Responsible: Roberta Onori