Innovative technologies for health and telemedicine


Innovative technologies for health and telemedicine

Design of telemedicine services

The possibility of creating social and health services in telemedicine, able to provide health services to citizens, is a reality.

Local health units and hospitals, regional and local administrations, but also organizations and other bodies, can resort to the support and consulting activities of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy) for the design and implementation of new telemedicine services, or for the updating of existing services, according to scientifically accredited models.

Thus, the ISS, in addition to concretely supporting the development of real services, contributes to the definition and continuous updating of knowledge in support of system governance actions.

Back Gruppo di Studio Nazionale per la Telemedicina nei Penitenziari

Hanno partecipato alla costituzione del Gruppo i seguenti esperti italiani:

Dott.ssa Daniela Agrimi

Resp. Area Telemedicina e Sanità digitale, Ass. Medici Endocrinologi

Dott. Michelangelo Bartolo

Direttore UO Telemedicina, AO S. Giovanni Addolorata di Roma

Dott. Gianni Donigaglia

Responsabile Area Zona Elba, Azienda USL Toscana Nord-Ovest

Prof. Filippo Giordano

Università di Roma LUMSA

Avv. Andrea Lisi

Presidente ANORC Professioni

Dott. Giuseppe Quintavalle

Direttore Generale, Azienda ASL Roma 4

Prof. Vincenzo Toscano

Presidente Associazione Medici Endocrinologi


Telemedicine and new healthcare technologies


Citizen Healthcare professional Information specialist

Content type

Document Focus


Design of telemedicine services Telemedicine study groups Management and decision-making models for telemedicine