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Special on CoViD-19


Back Aim 3 results: Good clinical pratices

The CCM project defined good practice recommendations for the clinical management of patients with Long-CoViD in order to provide guidance and improve quality of care.

A multidisciplinary team of specialized healthcare professionals from different areas of expertise (internal medicine, geriatrics, pulmonology, cardiology, neurology, pediatrics, infectious disease, dentist) has been established and a general practitioner and a patient representative have been involved. The panel of experts was mainly identified within the operative units and it also includes external experts.

These recommendations could contribute to standardize on a national basis the assistance provided, in terms of diagnosis, care and services organization, by the clinical centers and to strengthen the interactions between them. The proposed recommendations could also contribute to optimize the use of health resources providing principles of priority of care based on the identification of subjects at higher risk of development of severe sequelae. The proposed recommendations are targeted to the patients with Long-CoViD, to healthcare professionals and the healthcare system.

View the document "Buone pratiche cliniche per la gestione e presa in carico delle persone con Long-CoViD"

View the publication of the article "Italian good practice recommendations on management of persons with Long-COVID"


Risultati Long Covid