The general objective of monitoring the long-term effects of the CoViD-19 pandemic is split in 5 specific goals:
1. Defining the dimensions of the Long-CoViD condition. View the publication of the article "Examining potential Long COVID effects through utilization of healthcare resources: a retrospective, population-based, matched cohort study comparing individuals with and without prior SARS-CoV-2 infection".
2. Mapping number, characteristics and distribution of Italian Long-CoViD centers. View the list of clinical centers and the publication of the article "Characteristics of Long-CoViD care centers in Italy. A national survey of 124 clinical sites".
3. Defining the good clinical practices for the clinical management of patients with Long-CoViD. View the document "Buone pratiche cliniche per la gestione e presa in carico delle persone con Long-CoViD". View the publication of the article "Italian good practice recommendations on management of persons with Long-COVID".
4. Setting up a Long-CoViD surveillance system
5. Structuring of the national clinical network and dissemination activities, including webinars, distance-learning training "Long-CoViD: a new clinical scenario" and the closing conference of the CCM project.