Rapporti ISS COVID-19 in English

Indietro Rapporto ISS COVID-19 n. 56/2020 English version - Focus on professional use of ozone also in reference to COVID-19. Version of July 23, 2020

Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Focus on professional use of ozone also in reference to COVID-19. Version of July 23, 2020.
Working group ISS-INAIL
2020, vi; 42 p. Rapporto ISS COVID-19 n. 56/2020 – English version

This document is aimed at providing the technical-scientific evidence currently available on ozone in the
COVID-19 epidemic context. For this purpose, it reports state of the art with particular reference to regulatory status, available assessments at the national and international level, information on the dangers and risks associated with the use of ozone, information on toxicity and the impact on human health and environment, effectiveness of the substance as a virucide, safety of use and precautions to be taken in the in-situ generation of ozone in the field of prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2. It also addresses the various applications of ozone, from sanitizing environments and devices to the food sector, to water treatment. The report, based on scientific evidence, also examines the therapeutic efficacy of ozone therapy by assessing its safety of use, critical issues and upcoming developments. The paper does not consider exposure to ozone as an involuntary product from UV radiation from the atmosphere or from air purification systems. The document does not examine other in-situ generated substances with disinfectant or sanitizing action or other processes in use in the COVID-19 epidemic context, and therefore this elaborate does not allow an exhaustive evaluation of the cost/benefit ratio compared to the other available systems.