Nutrition and food safety


Nutrition and food safety

Microbiological food safety

Microbiological food safety includes all activities associated with the identification and characterization of microbiological hazards (both pathogenic bacteria and viruses), as the development of analytical methodologies and sampling plans, and the adequate levels of self-control plans among food business operators.

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy) develops and guarantees those activities through its national reference laboratories and centres.

The ISS also evaluates the microbiological risk in all food productive chain and guarantees determination by a third party in case of a controversy on compliance of food with legal requirements for microbiological criteria.

Back SEU in Italia nel 2019

In questa sezione è possibile visionare l'andamento dei casi di SEU segnalati al Registro Italiano SEU nel corso del 2019 ed il dettaglio del sierogruppo E.coli produttore di Shigatossina.