Prevention and health promotion


Prevention and health promotion

Workplace and everyday life contexts

To be effective, health promotion and disease prevention recommendations require participation and collaboration at different levels of the social community: individual, collective and institutional. Health is part of everyday life, that is, in the workplace, in schools, and communities. 

The interventions must therefore also consider a change in the contexts, both regulatory (such as incentives and awareness) and structural (such as the organization of adequate spaces) to activate the changes that contribute to the well-being of citizens.

Back Stress lavorativo e salute mentale

In occasione del primo maggio e della festa del lavoro, il Reparto Salute Mentale fa una riflessione su stress lavorativo e rischio di disturbi depressivi e di disturbi d'ansia leggi

Per info:Antonella Gigantesco


Center of reference for behavioural sciences and mental health


Citizen Healthcare professional Information specialist

Content type



Prevention and health promotion Mental health Work-life