Chronic diseases and healthy aging


Chronic diseases and aging


Living longer and at the same time in good health is one of the principles underlying the activities that the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, the National Institute of Health in Italy) carries out on the theme of "healthy aging", understood as maintaining self-sufficiency and functional capacity which is indispensable for an independent life.

These activities are based on the epidemiological analysis of elderly population groups in order to identify protective and risk factors both for the development of chronic diseases and for the development of disability and frailty.

The ISS also assesses motor and visual function, through the adoption of innovative technological solutions, in experimental studies carried out in the laboratory and in different care settings.

Back Studio del dolore e cure palliative

L’Unità per lo studio del dolore e le cure palliative svolge attività di ricerca traslazionale nell’ambito del dolore ed infiammazione, caratterizzando farmacologicamente molecole di sintesi o di origine naturale nella speranza di individuare nuovi composti attivi sviluppabili come nuove terapie per contrastare il dolore cronico a base infiammatoria e neuropatico. Nell’ambito delle cure palliative, l’unità partecipa a progetti di ricerca nazionali volti ad evidenziare le attuali criticità nell’applicazione della legge 38/2010 nei riguardi del paziente cronico non oncologico e del grande anziano.


National center for drug research and evaluation



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Ricerca farmacologica e terapia sperimentale Medicines, vaccines and advanced therapies Ageing Chronic diseases and aging Tumors