Proficiency Tests
Proficiency tests on detection, identification and typing methods organized by the EURL-VTEC, are conducted for the NRLs for E. coli. The participation of reference laboratories from third countries is also welcome but these laboratories shall support the expenses for the sample shipment on their own budgets. The anonymized overall results of all the studies are available in the final reports published below. Participants also receive an individual reports from the EURL-VTEC within one week from the closure of the online platform used to contribute the results.
The EU DG SANTE will have access granted to the non-aggregated results of the single EU NRLs.
In this section, the procedure used by the EURL-VTEC to evaluate the NRL performance in the EQA is also available.
Application to participate in the Proficiency testing program of the EURL-VTEC