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Back Press Release No 01/2022 COVID-19: main monitoring data from the Situation Room

Rome, 7 January 2022

Here are the main data that emerged from the Situation Room:

  • The weekly incidence at national level has risen steadily: 1669 per 100,000 inhabitants (31/12/2021 - 06/01/2022) versus 783 per 100,000 inhabitants 24/12/2021 -30/12/2021), data from the Ministry of Health.

  • In the 15 December 2021 – 28 December 2021 period, the average Rt calculated on symptomatic cases was equal to 1.43 (range 1.23 - 2), a strong increase over the previous week and well above the threshold epidemic. The same trend was recorded also for the transmissibility index based on hospitalized cases (Rt = 1.3 (1.27-1.32) as at 28/12/2021 versus Rt ​​= 1.11 (1.08 - 1.13) as at 20/12/2021.
  • Bed occupancy in intensive care units was 15.4% (Ministry of Health daily survey data as at 06 January) versus 12.9% (Ministry of Health daily survey data as at 30 December). Bed occupancy in the medical units at national level rose to 21.6% (daily survey data by the Ministry of Health as at 30 December) versus 17.1% (daily survey data by the Ministry of Health as at 30 December).
  • Ten Regions / Autonomous Provinces have been classified at high risk, of which 3 due to the impossibility of assessing them because the data they sent in was not complete; eleven Regions / Autonomous Provinces have been classified as moderate risk according to the Ministerial Decree of 30 April 2020. Among these, six Regions / Autonomous Provinces have a high probability of progressing to the status of high risk according to the Ministerial Decree of 30 April 2020.
  • Almost all the Regions / Autonomous Provinces reported at least one single resilience alert. Ten Regions / Autonomous Provinces reported multiple resilience alerts.
  • There was a considerable increase in the number of new cases not associated with transmission chains (309,903 versus 124,707 in the previous week). The percentage of cases detected through the onset of symptoms also increased (34% versus 31% the previous week).