Progetto JAHEE




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce arcu quam, fringilla eget vehicula sit amet, porttitor vitae eros. Maecenas vel magna ultricies, suscipit sapien eu, mollis libero. Suspendisse sed sem enim. Mauris eget ornare elit. Maecenas mollis, est et accumsan molestie, lorem sapien auctor nulla, sit amet pellentesque sapien enim et turpis. Phasellus velit odio, vulputate eget justo in, faucibus hendrerit tellus. Sed ornare velit massa, a scelerisque ex congue et. Integer euismod nulla vel consectetur sodales. Donec convallis felis ante, nec sagittis dolor pellentesque non. Fusce auctor velit in ligula tincidunt, vitae finibus ex facilisis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam gravida suscipit lorem, non porta ante laoreet ac.

Indietro Policy Dialogue “COVID-19 and health inequalities – the role of the European Semester and the Recovery and Resilience Facility - 19 November 2020

The Joint Action Health Equity Europe (JAHEE), established in 2017, aims to improve the policy response of the 24 participating countries in the reduction of health inequalities. Suddenly, in the middle of the elaboration of more than 70 JAHEE’s Implementation Actionsi, the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak struck. Although this changed the initial work plan, JAHEE has adapted its actions to face the impact of the pandemic, especially in terms of health inequalities. JAHEE took advantage of this meeting to set up a dialogue among key stakeholders.

The overall of the objective of the panel discussion was to facilitate the exchange of expectations and concerns over the implementation of the upcoming EU processes in view of the economic and social recovery from the pandemic– namely, the European Semester and the Resilience and Recovery Facility – and to discuss how these can be used to limit the widening of health and social inequalities as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Progetto JAHEE
