Laboratorio Europeo di Riferimento per i Parassiti


Laboratorio Europeo di Riferimento per i Parassiti

Indietro Metodi di prova

L'EURLP ha sviluppato e validato 16 metodi di prova, tra protocolli diagnostici di tipo serologico e molecolare per vari elminti e protozoi.  I metodi sono disponibili in formato pdf nell'elenco seguente:

  • Detection of anti-Trichinella antibodies in swine serum by indirect ELISA (MI-01)
  • Identification of Trichinella muscle larvae at species level by Multiplex PCR (MI-02)
  • Detection of anti-Trichinella antibodies in human serum by indirect ELISA (MI-03)
  • Identification at species level of parasites of the family Anisakidae by PCR/RFLP (MI-04)
  • Identification at species level of Cryptosporidium oocysts by PCR/RFLP (MI-06)
  • Detection of anti-Opisthorchis antibodies in human sera (MI-07)
  • Identification of Opisthorchis spp eggs by PCR (MI-08)
  • Identification at assemblage level of Giardia duodenalis cysts by PCR/RFLP (MI-09)
  • Identification of Anisakidae larvae at the species level by multiplex PCR (MI-10)
  • Identification of the assemblages A and B of Giardia duodenalis (MI-11)
  • Identification of Toxoplasma gondii DNA in food matrices (fresh or processed meat) by LAMP (MI-12)
  • Identification of Trichinella spp. proteins recognized by specific IgG in serum of infected pigs by Western blotting (MI-13)
  • Identification of Toxoplasma gondii DNA in leafy green vegetable by LAMP (MI-14)
  • Identification of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato complex at species/genotypes level by PCR/RFLP and multiplex PCR (MI-15)
  • Identification of Trichinella spp. proteins recognized by specific IgG from serum samples of humans with trichinellosis by Western blotting (MI-16)

I metodi elencati, insieme al metodo dell'agitatore magnetico per la digestione di campioni aggregati per la rilevazione di Trichinella nelle carni destinate al consumo umano (Regolamenti della Commissione 2015/1375 e 2020/1478), sono stati accreditati da ACCREDIA, l'ente italiano di accreditamento, secondo lo standard internazionale ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

L'accreditamento è sottoposto a convenzione e riconosce la competenza tecnica del laboratorio ad eseguire metodi analitici specifici. Tuttavia, l'ente di accreditamento non si assume alcuna responsabilità in merito ai risultati dei test.

Tutti i metodi sono disponibili come parte dei servizi che l'EURLP fornisce agli LNR e ad altre istituzioni pubbliche. Prima di inviare i campioni da testare, scaricare il Modulo di Richiesta Analisi allegato di seguito ed inviarlo insieme ai campioni.

Privacy and data treatment: Personal data are processed in compliance with the regulatory provisions referred to in EU Regulation 2016/679 and Privacy Code, as reported in Legislative Decree no. 101/2018. The data controller of personal data is the Istituto Superiore di Sanità with registered office in Viale Regina Elena n. 299 – 00161 Rome, in the person of its President. In addition, the ISS has appointed its own Data Protection Officer (D.P.O.), e-mail address:

Data are processed exclusively for carrying out the test activities; for this purpose adequate physical, technical and organizational security measures have been set up to prevent and avoid their destruction and/or loss of integrity, as well as their illicit or incorrect use. Data and samples are accessible only to personnel authorized to process personal data as part of the test activities, authorized person has their own credentials and their own operating station. The applicant has the rights referred to in art. 15 GDPR et seq., more precisely right of access, right of rectification, right of limitation of treatment, right to data portability, right of opposition, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority (art. 77 GDPR and 141 Privacy Code, as reported by Legislative Decree 101/2018). The ISS, in its capacity as Data Controller, undertakes to keep the records of processing activities correctly pursuant to art. 30 GDPR.

Claim: The EURLP provides a form to report any claim from the client (see attachments below).

On receiving a claim, the head of the Unit evaluate its validity, discuss with the function/functions involved, establish the measures to adopt and define the communication to provide to the applicant. If the claim is addressed to the head of the Unit, indipendent personnel will be identified to evaluate the claim, to estabilish the measure to adopt and communicate to the applicant. Indipendent personnel will be identified within the Unit. The applicant will be informed on the measures adopted and the schedule. Feed-back information on the satisfaction will be asked to the applicant.