
Back Study protocol

This protocol incorporates decisions taken by the EUROCARE Steering Committee in Milan, on 29th January 2015. The EUROCARE-6 Call for Data to the European cancer Registries has been opened in June 2015.

EUROCARE-6 data collection protocol – 2015 Call for data 

The EUROCARE-6 data call is done in cooperation with the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR) and the European Commission Joint Research Center (JRC) - Public Health Policy Support Unit (Ispra,Varese, Italy) - hosting the ENCR secretariat.  

The Commission Implementing Decision (2011) assigned the JRC’s Public Health Policy Support Unit - established within the Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP) - the task to maintain accurate and comparable EU cancer data.  

Promoting harmonization and standardization of cancer information and optimising the collaboration of all stakeholders to provide consistent and up-to-date information have been prioritised by the Commission.  

Common variable definitions and up-to-date quality checks procedures have been agreed by ENCR and stakeholders/research projects that analyse cancer registries data (IARC, EUROCARE, CONCORD).  

Therefore, all core- and additional- variables required by the EUROCARE-6 study are included in the ENCR call for data protocol.  

Data files will be transmitted to EUROCARE through a unique portal for data collection implemented by the JRC. By contributing data to the ENCR call 2015 with data flagged for EUROCARE-6, cancer registries adhere to the aims of the present protocol. 

  Submission Guidelines of the ENCR-JRC 2015 Call for data 

 ENCR-JRC 2015 Call for Data Registry Questionnaire 
