Extra pathways
Extra Pathways (formerly AlternanzaPiù, Dual TrainingPlus) is a way of participating in the PCTO project in the ISS, which enables the students of the partner schools of the ISS to continue the experience acquired in the training pathways or to join new initiatives.
From 2016 to 2020, more than 250 students from 33 schools were involved in 18 Extra Projects (for a total of roughly 2,800 hours), giving them the opportunity to present the results of the PCTO experience in scientific conferences and events hosted at the ISS on themes of great importance for the world of adolescents (Alcohol Prevention Day, World No Tobacco Day, the National Seminar on the Assessment of the Use and Safety of Prescription Drugs in Italy, and the World Health Day, with the exceptional opening of the ISS Museum to the public) and to support the activity of ISS researchers at the 2017, 2018 and 2019 edition of European Researchers’ Night, as well as at the educational events in the gardens of the ISS, such as the scientific party held in June 2018 titled “AISM and ISS: together for multiple sclerosis”, and the Open Day: “The ISS and Alzheimer’s Disease: prevention in addition to diagnosis” in June 2019.
In 2020, the ISS portal organised the project titled: Dalla post-verità alla verità dei post, alla verità dei fatti. Contro fake news e bufale per porre al centro l’informazione scientifica, by the ISSalute Portal staff. The project involved 3 schools in Rome and its province (De Sanctis, Nomentano and Volterra) for a total of 12 students and 21 hours of activities. The students' commitment consisted in the identification and evaluation of hoaxes / false myths about health on the net, in the development of critical skills to analyze the veracity of the information, in the elaboration of a questionnaire to be submitted to their peers at school and in the development of original products for peer communication. The activities took place in the ISS in February and March 2020, on a weekly basis, until the project was interrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project was restarted in November and ended in December 2020. Despite the serious health situation, it was therefore possible to conclude the scheduled 21 hours, albeit in a different way from those planned. The phase organized in presence at the ISS and at school continued with a part of training in distance mode with tutors and in small groups and a part of individual work. The result was the production of slides with the results of the investigation, the development of a fairy tale on the subject under study and a video.
Other projects carried out in the years 2016-2019:
Dalla post-verità alla verità dei post, alla verità dei fatti. Contro fake news e bufale per porre al centro l’informazione scientifica (From post-truth to the truth of the posts, to the truth of the facts. Against fake news and hoaxes to put scientific information at the center) (2019), edited by the ISSalute Portal. 10 students of the Aristophanes, Morgagni and Pasteur High Schools, were engaged in the evaluation of hoaxes / false myths about health on the net and presented the results of their work on the occasion of the final conference of the Alternanza Scuola Lavoro project in ISS (50-hour paths).
Smoke Messages (2018) and Smoke Stimula. As every day we receive solicitations towards tobacco (2019) whose results were presented by the students (Giulio Cesare, Avogadro, Labriola, Morgagni, Maria Ausiliatrice – 2018; Volterra – 2019) during the Conferences organized in THE ISS on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, 31 May 2018 and 2019.
JOB&ORIENTAFair: delegation of students from the Tasso high school was invited by MIUR to the 28th edition of the JOB&ORIENTA fair, Verona 29 November - 1 December 2018, to present the School-Work Alternation activities carried out in ISS in the 2017-2018 school year.
Competition organized by the Italian Federation of Life Sciences Present your group work (2017): the students of the Liceo Tasso had the scientific support of ISS researchers in participating in the competition by proposing two videos designed and interpreted by themselves on the issues of doping(Noping)and the fight against cancer (Willwe be able to win the fightagainst cancer? ) ranking second and third respectively.