


National Operational Plan (PON) Projects

The National Operational Plan (PON) “For schools, skills and learning environments” of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), financed with the European Structural Funds 2014-2020, every year makes available to schools the funds dedicated to the qualification of the public schooling system. Together with the teachers of schools that are already partners in this project, the ISS tutors are available to co-design training courses to respond to the public competitions launched under the PON. The aim is to assure all students, both boys and girls, a growing number of opportunities and the possibility of attending high-quality training courses.

Funded PON projects

With reference to the Public Notice N. 3781 of 5/4/2017 titled: “Enhancing dual education and work-based training systems”, 4 projects, each involving 30 students of 4 Rome-based schools, have been financed:

  • Research & Health: the importance of research in tackling new health emergencies (Plinio Seniore Lyceum)
  • From research to therapy: the role of experimentation in combating tumours (Tasso Lyceum)
  • Experiences with networks: environmental remediation programmes and strategies (IIS Pascal)
  • How research helps agriculture: combating plant diseases in the agrifood production chain (Orazio Lyceum)

In a “supply chain” approach, the projects envisage the organization of the students’ activities in two different agencies (the ISS cooperates with the CNR, the National Research Council; with the CREA, the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics; and with the IFO) so as to not only maximise the experience but also to create connections with the local community.

Moreover, in reply to the competition launched by the MIUR, Prot. 3340/17, titled “Global Citizenship Skills”, a project was presented involving 15 students titled Living with style in an ethical and economic dimension and wellbeing (Plinio Seniore Lyceum), which obtained the financing.