


Infectious and non infectious diseases

Back Asthma and allergies: the toolkit

The initiative, carried out in collaboration with ALAMA (Associazione Laziale Asma e Malattie Allergiche) and ASL Roma 2, and targeting students and teachers, is aimed at:  

  • raising their awareness of issues relating to asthma and allergies and making them aware of the presence of various types of microbial agents in the environment 
  • teaching them what preventive measures should be adopted to reduce the concentration of allergens and other environmental pollutants in order to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) 
  • explain the behavioural standards and hygienic measures required to reduce the spread of microbial agents responsible for infectious diseases in order to reduce health hazards

Target: kindergarten, primary and lower and upper secondary school students and teachers. 
Products: events, digital and multimedia material.

Sessions for the promotion of health
The activity consists in going to schools and explaining problems relating to asthma, allergies and the presence of microbial agents in the environment in words appropriate to the different age groups of users. The aim is to make students and teachers aware of the need to take some preventive measures, which are explained during the sessions, to reduce the concentration of allergens in indoor environments as well as some hygienic precautions to limit exposure to microbes responsible for infectious diseases. During the presentation, emphasis is placed on how good indoor air quality serves to protect the health of those who suffer from allergies and asthma as well as to prevent the sensitization of individuals predisposed to the development of allergies. During the presentation, students are also introduced to some analytical techniques and instruments used in the laboratory to detect allergens and microorganisms. 
The sessions have been held every year in schools, from 2017 to date.
The multimedia products are available and the events are replicable and ISS researchers are available to present them again in schools. 

Organizations of Reference: National Centre for Drug Research and Evaluation and Department for Environment and Health
Contact persons: Patrizia Iacovacci, Barbara Brunetto, Lucia Bonadonna, Rossella Briancesco

Vocabolario Scuola

Malattie infettive e non