Infectious and non infectious diseases
#unitedagainstSTDs, to prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases
21/12/2020 The event was designed to reflect on the importance of preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases among young people. The aim was to promote a fruitful interaction between STD experts, teachers, students and public figures. By implementing innovative techniques they were able to identifying a common language that helped them translate scientific data into a clear, intelligible, and unequivocal message to protect sexual health. The event was part of...Continue
AIDS and STD Hotline Celebrates 30th Anniversary
22/12/2020 To celebrate 30 years of operation of the “AIDS and STD Hotline - 800861061”, an extraordinary event titled “Music, Art and Entertainment” was organized on 20 June 2017 from 5:30 PM to late at night in the gardens of the ISS. The event featured a cross-fertilization of science, performing arts (music, singing, theatre, dancing, poetry) and sports by involving researchers, artists, athletes, institutions and citizens to convey a message promotin...Continue
AIDS Prevention – Teen Issues
22/12/2020 This initiative was organized during the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years by ASL RM2/D8 (RM2/D8 Local Health Unit), together with the HIV/AIDS Operational Unit (Rome) and the Psycho-Social-Behavioural Research, Communication, Education Operational Unit of the ISS Department of Infectious Disease. Target: lower and upper secondary school students Products: health-promotion campaign, event, multimedia material. Io ...Continue
Asthma and allergies: the toolkit
21/12/2020 The initiative, carried out in collaboration with ALAMA (Associazione Laziale Asma e Malattie Allergiche) and ASL Roma 2, and targeting students and teachers, is aimed at: raising their awareness of issues relating to asthma and allergies and making them aware of the presence of various types of microbial agents in the environment teaching them what preventive measures should be adopted to reduce the concentration of allergens an...Continue
Autism spectrum disorders: distance learning courses
21/12/2020 The project entitled "Autism Spectrum Disorders: activities laid down by the Ministerial Decree of 30.12.2016", funded by the Ministry of Health, envisages the delivery of 4 distance learning courses for educators and teachers of all levels. The courses will be held in PBL (Problem Based Learning) mode, using the EDUISS institutional platform ( Some 5000 users are expected to attend each course. Target: Crèche educators and...Continue
e-Bug: fighting antibiotic resistance
21/12/2020 The ISS has been partner of the European e-Bug project for over 10 years and operates as the Italian contact point through a formally constituted interdisciplinary task force. The project is coordinated by Public Health England (with 27 European Union countries and Saudi Arabia), and is recognized as a highly valuable educational resource by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Its aim is to combat the phenomenon of antibiotic...Continue
How to Recognise and Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections
21/12/2020 This monograph was produced for the "I Ragazzi di Pasteur" (Pasteur’s Youths) book series, thanks to a joint initiative between the Ibsa Foundation and Istituto Pasteur Italia. It was inspired by the awareness that young people sometimes do not know enough about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and the danger they pose. In addition, when they have doubts or are afraid of being infected, they do not know where to turn or who they can talk to ...Continue
Information meetings on HIV infection, AIDS and other STIs
21/12/2020 The Psycho-socio-behavioural Research, Communication and Training Operational Unit of the Department of Infectious Diseases periodically carries out HIV/AIDS/STI prevention events for lower and upper secondary school students. The objective is to provide information that is scientifically correct, in line with the actual needs of the very young, and conveyed in clear and accessible language on a subject – that of HIV, AIDS and STIs – which is oft...Continue
Informative Lectures on the Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention of HIV and Associated Infections
21/12/2020 The National Centre for HIV/AIDS Research reaches out directly to upper secondary school students to inform them about the pathogenesis, epidemiology, treatment and prevention of the HIV infection, give them accurate information on the HIV/AIDS infection and promote behaviors that are not at risk for this and other related infections. Activities are organized periodically during every school year and upon a direct invitation from schools. Informa...Continue
Mental Health in Schools: A Psychoeducational Programme
22/12/2020 This psychoeducational programme on mental health in schools, with a focus on primary prevention of common mental disorders, is aimed at promoting students’ positive mental health, their psychological wellbeing, sense of self efficacy and life satisfaction. It is based on several social skill training programmes and is characterised by placing greater importance on defining personal goals, structured problem-solving methods, as well as on commu...Continue
United Against AIDS
21/12/2020 United Against AIDS is a website promoted by the Ministry of Health, with coordination and scientific support from the Psycho-Social Behavioural Research, Communication and Education Operational Unit of the ISS. The main goal of United Against AIDS website is to disseminate scientifically correct and appropriate information on HIV and STD prevention in a language that is easy to understand. Target: lower and upper secondary school student...Continue
Youth-Targeted HIV-Infection Prevention Model
22/12/2020 An experimental youth-targeted model for HIV-infection prevention was launched as part of the best-practices recommended by the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC). The project’s main goals were the following: investigate factors that limit access to social and health services for HIV testing implement and monitor studies on at-risk behaviours among vulnerable groups (youths) implement prevention actions based on peer-education models...Continue