


Stili di vita

Back Safe Gym

It is an information kit on leading the right kind of lifestyle by educating people to do physical exercise and sport.

It contains: “Non vale mai la pena – It’s Never Worth It” (a DVD on the problem of doping and eating disorders); “Eating in Physical and Sport Activities” (a manual on nutritional requirements and physical activities); “The Illegal Use of Drugs in Sport Activities” (an informative manual for youths and their families on responsible choices in respect of sport and health).

Target: lower and upper secondary school students and teachers 
Product: in paper, digital and multimedia format

It was developed in 2011 and it is still available. Several thousand copies have been delivered to anyone asking for one. Researchers are available to present this resource in schools.

Organization of Reference: National Addiction and Doping Centre Nazionale 
Contact person: Roberta Pacifici