Rare diseases


Rare diseases

European and international networks

The challenge posed by rare diseases is a public health priority that can only be overcome through partnerships that go beyond national borders. The European Reference Networks (ERN) for rare diseases, which are cross-border thematic networks of centers of particular experience, provide a reference framework for patient care through a high level of skills and promote access to tools such as registries, telemedicine and guidelines on best clinical practices.

The European Networks are also connected with by world-wide associations, such as the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium, IRDiRC or the International Society on Rare Diseases & Orphan Drugs, ICORD.

Back Il portale della Commissione Europea

La Commissione Europea ha realizzato un portale dedicato alle Malattie Rare.

Ulteriori informazioni in lingua italiana sono disponibile sul portale italiano dell'Unione Europea sulla salute pubblica nella sezione 'Malattie rare' .