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Importance of communication: introduction

Communication is the process that allows the exchange of information, knowledge, needs, emotions, between two or more subjects. The fundamental aspects of communication are the content and the relational context in which it takes place. The content stands for “what” is communicated, the relationship establishes “how” this is done. To be effective, the exchange of information must be understood and interpreted in the same way by both the sender (the communicator) and the receiver (the recipient of the information). The relevant aspects of effective communication are: completeness, clarity, reciprocity, active listening (willingness to really understand what the other person is saying) and assertiveness (ability to express and assert one’s opinions and ideas in appropriate words and ways).

Communicating correctly and effectively is essential in all areas, including the family, where effective and positive communication is an indicator of a positive family climate and a tool for the constructive resolution of interpersonal conflicts. Appropriate communication is also essential in the healthcare sector, where information exchanged in a clear, accurate way between healthcare professionals and users nurtures mutual trust, and helps improve services.